School Break Camp with kidbilt - Week of February 17-21

Join us for an exciting STEM project based program in woodwork for school breaks this fall.  This is a full day camp for children where they learn to work with real tools building meaningful projects out of wood.  We strongly believe children thrive in active, nature-based, outdoor setting where they are breathing fresh air while learning.  

-Our students build projects such as step stools, planter boxes, bird feeders, model vehicles, skate boards and treasure chests

-Every day kids use tools such as hammers, screw drivers, drills, pull saws, measuring materials, sanding blocks and clamps to create their projects out of wood

-Students work with their hands while developing physical skills, spatial and mechanical reasoning

-Every lesson has a built-in math challenge that is hands-on and engaging

-Working with tools enhances fine and gross motor skills that aids in writing

We are accepting registrations for children between 4 to 11 years old in 2 separate age groups.  

$90 for 1 day
$175 for 2 days
$255 for 3 days
$330 for 4 days
$400 for 5 days

* 15% sibling discount for second, third siblings etc. 
**15% off additional for cash payments
Daily schedule:
9:00- 9:30  Drop off, free play
9:30- 9:45 snack
9:45 - 11:30 Project work indoors in small groups while the rest the group is outside
12:00- 1:00 Lunch outdoors unless bad weather
1:00 - 3:00 Nature Discovery with small groups while the others work indoors
3:00 - 3:30 Reflections, team building saying good bye for the day
3:30 - 4:00 Pick up 

2 age groups: 4-7 years old, 8-11 years old

Indoor location: Drop off and pick up is at 85 Wayne Street, Jersey City, NJ

Payments are due 1 week before your child(ren) starts camp
Please make payments
Credit card:
Venmo - @Olga-Chechina-kidbilt
Paypal: OR
by Check to kidbilt, LLC, 57 Rose Avenue, Jersey City, NJ 07305

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