Letters of Love - Palestine & Israel - Sign up Form
Hi! Welcome! I'm so happy to have you here...

I'm going to take that your being here means you are willing, even if difficult, to write a letter from your heart, to someone else's heart.  The initial ask is that you sign up to submit a letter of love for the people of Palestine and who practice Judaism.  I, Sara, am opening up myself to hold space during this incredibly difficult time, but also assisting anyone looking to take action without knowing how to or what to do.

Before we get to your letter thought, you're going to use this form to sign up and provide me, Sara of HeartedS2, to know who you are.
I'm seeking basic information and you are welcome to opt of out receiving any additional contact after submitting your letter. Please note that while I ask for letters without politics, these letters will be used as part of a larger campaign - Hearteds2 is working to get these letters to those in need of your support, as well as in the hands of politicians, who I hope, when faced with the direct words and emotions of people will stand up and do the necessary work.

I ask that you spend no more than 15-25 minutes writing. Allow yourself to feel into what you are writing and to flow. Your heart knows what it wants to say, it is your mind that wants to stop you and those words.  Note that your letter will be read by me first, and shared to NGOs and political leaders. Some might make it on Instagram.  Please be okay with this before you submit your letter.

Our guidelines are as follows:
  • Your letter will not be about you, but will be about your solidarity as a human to another human. 
  • Letters written by people of all ages are welcome! We are seeking letters from children to give to children, however, parents or guardians, please help.
  • This letter will be without politics, and without blame, shame, or violence. That's right, words can be just as violent as any other tool.  
  • Your letter will be without nationalism or patriotism of any kind - meaning no pro-Israel, America, or even Palestine rhetoric. We are standing behind people, not states of oppressors or actual territories of land. 
  • Your letter will not have any hate speech in it - I'm serious. It will not be tolerated at all!
  • This is an inclusive letter - in addition to no hate, please be inclusive when/if referencing race, gender, sexuality, and religion.
  • Keep your letter at 1 page.
  • Follow basic grammar rules and spelling, but we're not judging.
  • All letters must be signed - it can be your initials, or your first name and last initial, or as "The X Family" (if you are writing on behalf of your family, although I don't recommend this), or your nickname. Your name makes you human and gives permission to be shared and received.
  • Write from your heart and not with the assistance of AI please! (I have no way of knowing if this was AI generated, but you'll know...)
Once you submit your information, you'll receive an email with the guidelines above and some tips on how to write, including prompts.  It will also provide direction on the ways of submitting your letter - if you want to mail a real letter, please do! I'll take them and document them personally.

Grab your pens/markers/pencils! Let's use our words to inspire change and provide hope.
With love and grace,
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Your Name
Your email address (please use one you check regularly) so we can send you the "letters of love writers packet" and confirm receipt of your letter
Why do you want to write a letter?
If you are someone who wants to write a letter, but isn't sure where to start, or need assistance, would you be interested in receiving help? For example, would  a virtual writing session for a larger group (at no charge) be helpful?
Your Zip code (this will be used to contact politicians and keep track of where we are receiving letters from)
We're looking for potential volunteers - to help with distribution and outreach to politicians and NGOs. Are you interested, or have connections you'd be willing to share, in assisting me get the word out?
HeartedS2 is a small woman-owned business that makes stationery and teaches individuals on writing. Letters of love is part of our advocacy work on social justice issues. Are you interested in receiving emails about future projects?
Anything else you'd like to share with me, Sara, the organizer of this project?
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