2023 Middle School Boys Baseball Sign-Up
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Email *
Player's Name (Last Name, First Name) *
Homeschool (Y/N?) *
Age at start of season *
Grade *
Shirt Size *
Student Phone # (if applicable) *
Parent or Guardian Name *
Parent or Guardian Phone # *
Insurance Carrier *
Insurance Group # *
Emergency Contact *
Emergency Contact Phone # *
Does your child have any medical issues / allergies that the coaching staff should be aware of? *
I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure my child is healthy and able to play sports this year. I have discussed with my child's doctor  any concerns I have,  and they have approved my child's participation. I also understand that by clicking "Yes" I am certifying that my child is healthy enough to play any sport. *
Medical *
Captionless Image
Waiver *
Captionless Image
I understand that as with any physical activity there is always risk of injury, serious or otherwise, and that I agree to not hold the Bradley Knights Homeschool Sports Co-Op responsible. *
I hereby give my permission to the Bradley Knights Sports Co-Op, to use photographs, voice recordings, or video taken of my child during the games and events associated with Bradley Knights Sports Co-Op in any manner to help promote the league activities as determined in the sole discretion of the Bradley Knights Sports Co-Op.  Such use could include publications, media releases, public announcements, electronic or otherwise, and on league websites or social media pages. I agree that neither I, nor my child, will receive any compensation if such image appears in any of the manners listed above or other manner that the league deems appropriate. I agree that such image is the property of the Bradley Knights Sports Co-Op. *
Player Code of Conduct
Please read the above and agree to the Player Code of Conduct *
Parents Code of Conduct *
Captionless Image
By selecting "Agree" below I acknowledge that I am the  parent or guardian of the child listed above and that I have full authorization to agree to these terms. I have read all statements and attachments and give my consent for my child to participate in sports activities provided by the Bradley Knights Sports Co-Op. *
Concussion Info
Concussion Info
Cardiac Awareness
Cardiac Awareness
I have read the above and agree. (Please sign full name) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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