RSVP for MeMoSa: Ultimate Catharsis 1

Student Artist-in-Residence Lily Selthofner presents: Ultimate Catharsis 1

Saturday, March 30th  |  7:00pm

at the Movement Lab, Milstein LL020

Ultimate Catharsis 1 is an interdisciplinary, multimedia experimental performance art piece. UC1's dynamic cast of dancers, actors, and musicians leads the viewer through an irreverent, satirical, transgressive reclamation of Justice and Truth. Amidst the uncontrollable, UC1 transmutes chaotic power struggles within institutional and relational violence into the first Ultimate Catharsis.

Doors open at 6:45PM and MeMoSa begins at 7:00PM

Capacity in the lab is capped at 40 audience members. Attendees who have RSVP'd before the event will have priority, and admission will be determined on a first come first serve basis on arrival. If you RSVP before the event but you arrive late, we reserve the right to give your spot to someone on the waitlist. 

Attendees who have not RSVP'd will be put on a standby waitlist if they arrive in-person before the event.

To join please provide the following information:

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