POST Test: Track 3 Scratch Programming
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Concept Inventory
1. What is the starting point of the cat sprite? *
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2. Where does the cat sprite end up after the script has been run? *
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3. Look at the script below. What would the cat sprite do? *
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4. Where does the ghost sprite end up after the script has been run? *
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5. Look carefully at the scripts below. How many times does the costume change happen? *
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6. What happens to the cat sprite when the spacebar is pressed, AND it is touching the edge? *
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7. What is the purpose of this script if apply to an apple sprite? *
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8. Which script will make the cat sprite move to the right? *
9. What will Felix the cat say when the key is pressed? *
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10. What happen when the script is run? *
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11. What is the variable name used in this script? *
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Survey on Hackathon 2021
Please answer the following questions
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I understand better about Scratch Programming after attending the course
I learn about the basics of physical computing after attending the course
I am more interested in programming and physical computing after attending the course
I am able to explore innovative solutions using Arduino Programming after attending the course
I am confident to use digital tools and technology after attending the course
This course has provided opportunities for me to improve my technical skills in preparation for my school projects
I would recommend this course to my colleagues
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What do you think about the 2021 Pahang National Hackathon?
What did you enjoy the most from the program?
Any feedback you would like us to know about the 2021 Pahang National Hackathon
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