Connections List
Does your child want to participate in Creatiive Natiive Kiids classes or camps, but you don't have a full group?
Fill out this form to be notified when there's a class near you with an open spot!

CNK offers two types of classes: Liittle Creatiives Sensory Classes for ages walking to 4, and Creatiive Kiids Art Classes for ages 5 & up. 

CNK Camps are 3-4 hour art experiences at private homes, and are typically 1-4 days in duration. 

All Classes and Camps are held at private homes, are typically outside, and have a minimum of 6 children.

Please take a look at our attached CLASS, LIITTLE CREATIIVES & CAMP FAQs documents for pricing and more info.
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Child's Name(s) *
Child's Birthdate(s)
*Include year
We have classes all around LA!
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What types of CNK offerings are you interested in?
Check all that apply
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How did you hear about Creatiive Natiive?
Creatiive Kiids FAQs
Liittle Creatiives FAQs
Camp FAQs
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