Salud y Paz Mission Team Feedback Form 
Thank you for participating in a mission journey week with us! We hope you had a wonderful and impactful week and we would love to hear about it.

Please note that the first section of this evaluation form is for team members. The second part of this evaluation form is reserved for team leaders.

Feedback on your mission journey week is very important to us at Salud y Paz ( It helps us know what to keep doing well and what to switch up. Your feedback helps us provide the best mission experience for each team member and team leader that we serve and that serves with us.

Thank you in advance for your continued support of Salud y Paz and our mission team program.

Please use the following scale to rate each question honestly:
1 - Needs Improvement
2 - Fair
3 - Good
4 - Very Good
5 - Excellent

Please feel free to add additional comments under each question.
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