Mr. Tim's class,  Week 4
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Watch this video of this week's Mass readings and then answer the questions or fill in the missing words below.
Two disciples, James and John, tell Jesus they want Him to give them ... and ... *
Jesus tells His disciples, "Whoever wishes to be great among you will be your ... *
When you serve others, you are using God's power which is real power and brings true ... *
Watch this video; Let Go of ... Yourself, then answer the questions.
Which two opposite ways do we often see ourselves? *
What must you do if you want to be a disciple of Christ? *
Fr. Casey says to let only the you that matters live in ... *
What short prayer of St Francis did Fr. Casey mentioned? *
Watch this video; The Secret Sauce of Holiness, then answer the questions.  
Why is St Therese a doctor of the church? *
When Therese was 11 years old, after her First Holy Communion, she made three resolutions. One of them was that she would never do what? *
Therese said that she was going to lean into the love of God, she was going to ... in the love of God. *
What does Fr. Mike says we should do to imitate St Therese?
Pray the Our Father along with this video. If you don't know the Our Father by heart please learn it with this video. In a few weeks you will be ask to recite it to one of your teacher.
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