Do you want to suggest a best practice?
The e-SAFE project asks for your help in identifying best practices on deep renovation.

Are you aware of effective interventions to improve seismic and/or energy safety of buildings? Do you know case-studies in which deep renovation has been a trigger for urban regeneration processes? Would you like to suggest best practices in terms of fair financial mechanisms for spreading deep renovation at the urban scale?

Please, click this link >> << to map the best practice, and then fill out this form to inspire the e-SAFE project!

When you map the best practice, please follow this instructions:

1) click Add marker. You don't need to select and/or add a level. In the Best Practice Map there is just one level, that is the Best Practice Level;

2) give your place an identifier: please, use the same identifier we ask you to indicate in the form;

3) if you like, add a description.

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Please, choose an identifier for the best practice:
Where is located the best practice you want to suggest to us? *
What aspect does the best practice focus on? *
What is the main strength of the best practice you want to suggest to us? *
Please, describe briefly the best practice you want to suggest to us. It would be useful if you could indicate: 1) the project name, 2) the website of the project, 3) the main innovative features. *
How do you know the best practice you are suggesting? (e.g. you have been directly involved, you know someone who has been directly involved, you have studied it, you have read about it, etc...) *
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