Coaching Questionnaire 
Thanks so much for taking the time to complete this survey! 

Hi - I'm Dara Murray. One of my superpowers is connecting people who go on to have successful business relationships and friendships. I love to do it and I get so much joy playing a small part in bringing people together.

That's why I've hosted retreats for women entrepreneurs and coaches over the past two years. I've learned a lot through that process and my skills as a connector have only increased. Now I'm getting ready for my next move... that's where you come in! 

I want to help connect coaches to their perfect clients. To do that successfully, I need some more intel... your intel!

This survey should only take about 5 minutes to complete.

Questions - contact me at

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What's your name? *
Please share a link to your coaching website.
Please share a link to your LinkedIn.
Tell me about your 1:1 coaching services. What coaching services do you offer? *
What is your most popular coaching package? Why do you think that's your most popular package? *
How much does that package cost? *
What results can your clients typically expect after engaging with you as part of that package (above)?
About how many new clients do you have the capacity to take on in 2023?
Please write in a number greater than or equal to zero.
Would you be willing to pay a percentage of each coaching package you book to a person who brought you your ideal coaching client? *
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