Site development
By filling out this form, you can express your requirements and wishes for the site. Please answer the questions in free form and in as much detail as possible.
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Your full name


Your work position


Your contact e-mail


Easy way to contact you and communication data


How many people make the final decision? What positions are they hold?


Your project's name. Please, wright the project's name exactly as it should be indicated, taking into account case and spaces:


Your business?:


How long has your project is exist?:


In what region and territory is your project operating?:


Do you have a Website?


Do you have a social media accounts?


What values ​​does your company adhere to?


Why did you apply us right now?:


Who are your competitors? Is there one among them that you want to be like? Maybe there are some competitors from whom you want to differ?:


Describe your company in one sentence:


Name the main advantage of your company:


Describe your client (age, occupation, character, habits):


What is important to him in choosing product/service? Is this an impulsive or deliberate action?:


Why does the customer use your product/service?:


Why does the customer don't use your product/service?:


How do you contact with your clients?:

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