Intent to Return to School Under LEVEL 3 Lockdown
As you will be aware, New Zealand is moving to COVID-19 Alert Level 3 on Monday 27th April at 11.59pm for two weeks, then being reassessed.

The Government has said that schools will be open from Wednesday 29th April for those that NEED to be at school. Children are asked to stay at home if they can and complete the distance learning programme that has been set up by staff during Alert Level 3.

For those that have to attend school due to NOT having an adult at home to look after them because they are working outside the home bubble, school will be set out in the following way to minimise risk for everyone involved and to adhere to Health and Safety Regulations. There could be additions to these rules as time goes on based on information I receive from the Ministry of Education daily.
- no parents/other bubble members to enter school buildings to limit the amount of human contact
- children will arrive at school at from 8.30am and leave at 2.50pm due to decreased break times
- children will be in sibling bubbles
- children will remain in one space that is their allocated bubble room for the whole duration of the school day
- children will be allocated a space to sit that is 1m away from anyone else
- children will have their own resources to use during the day
- children will complete the distance learning programme at school
- school playgrounds remain closed
- no toys or school resources will be played with
- children will have break times different to other children to allow for social distancing
- staff will possibly be wearing PPE gear (this will be optional for staff)
- children/staff will be washing/sanitising their hands every session
- staff will be sanitising areas that have been used by children/adults in their bubble daily
- no food will be provided for children
- children are to bring their own named water bottle
- children will stay in the same bubble at school for the whole time they attend during Alert Level 3
- any child that has any illness and is meant to be attending school is NOT to attend school

Children who do NOT have an adult at home during level 3 to look after them can attend school. We will be needing to know exact days children will be attending school if they are, so that bubbles for school can be organised with children and staff. This information will be sorted out after I find out who is needing to attend school.

Please fill in the form below to inform me if your child/ren WILL or WILL NOT be attending school in Alert Level 3 so we know everyone's needs. A reminder all children are asked to stay at home if they can and complete the distance learning programme.

No children are allowed to attend school in Alert Level 3 if they have compromised health or someone in their bubble has compromised health. We do not want to put anyone at risk.

I need ALL families to please fill this form out by 12.30pm, Wednesday 22nd April. Thank you for your co-operation.

Ngā mihi nui
登入 Google 即可儲存進度。瞭解詳情
電子郵件 *
Family Name *
Please answer the appropriate question that applies to you: *
My child or children will be attending school on ____ days
Child 1 Name
Child 1 Year Group
Child 2 Name
Child 2 Year Group
Child 3 Name
Child 2 Year Group
Does your child have any health concerns that the school is unaware of that we need to know?
Are there any other concerns or considerations you would like to share with the school?
請勿利用 Google 表單送出密碼。
這份表單是在 Knights Stream School 中建立。 檢舉濫用情形