2023 Artrageous Parade Application
Saturday, May 4, 2023- Parade Rolls at 2 pm. Entries must be submitted by April 26, 2023. Late entries will not be accepted.

The theme is Celebrating the Arts in Eureka!  

All entries must be approved by the Artrageous Parade committee. The Artrageous Parade committee reserves the right to decline entries that are not consistent with the theme and spirit of the parade.

We encourage you to be creative and "on-theme" with your throws. Some parade participants are collecting tiny paintings created by local artists on small canvases (such as these https://tinyurl.com/5b3vn4my ) to distribute to the crowd during the parade.  You are welcome and encouraged to create your own small works of art to give out to parade attendees. What better way to celebrate the arts in Eureka than to send attendees home with a real piece of Eurekan art!

There will be prizes for the top three entries:

1st Prize - $300 cash prize and a $200 Gift Certificate to the Eureka Springs School of the Arts
2nd Prize - $200 cash prize and a $100 Gift Certificate to the Eureka Springs School of the Arts
3rd Prize - $100 cash prize and a $50 Gift Certificate to the Eureka Springs School of the Arts

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Alternate Phone
Mailing Address
Type of Float or Parade Unit *
Describe your entry for the Announcer. Please exclude your entry name and/or group.
This will be read at Basin Park
By marking "I Agree" below, you commit that you:
1. Will abide by standard parade protocol and the decisions of the Parade Committee, and 2. You agree that the City of Eureka Springs, the Eureka Springs School of the Arts, and all organizations, volunteers, employees, contractors, and agents, are held harmless and released from any and all responsibility for loss, damage or injury to any person or property relating in any way to your (individual and/or group) participation in the parade date above, and 3. Assume all responsibility for insurance coverage for your parade entry.
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