Project Pass September
To sign a student to Project Pass:

Parents - Please fill out the form below.  

We will send out a new form each month to sign up for Project Pass. Links to the form will be in the Parent Newsletter.

This year we will have Project Pass on Tuesday and Thursday from the end of the school day until 3:30. An aide will sit with students from 2:05 until 2:35 while teachers have their end of the day meetings and then teachers will work with students from 2:25 - 3:30.

We will not have subject specific days this year and students should come prepared with work they need to complete. 

If your student is not attending a session you signed them up for you can contact

If we cancel project pass, we will make an announcement at the end of the day and make every effort to email parents.

Although we ask that you list who will pick up, this is simply to have a contact person. Just let your student know who to expect.

Teachers if you are filling out the form, please be sure to indicate that you have contacted the parent and who will pick up.

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Email *
Student Name (Last) *
Student Name (First) *
Student Grade *
Contacted Parent *
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