Hire Me Hybe
Do you think you would make the perfect Hybe staffer... or BTS team member? Here's where you can prove yourself and make your pitch to Hybe (actually this is for fun, and it's just The 529 Line that you'll be "interviewing" for).
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What position are you applying for? (these were mentioned as options by members of #the529line) *
What skills and abilities do you have that qualify you for this for the position you seek?
Paste a link to your video (up to one minute and thirty seconds!). Use Google Drive or similar, and be sure it is shared with armyproject529@gmail.com! *
Do you give ARMY Project 529 to post your submission on our website, on YouTube channel and on social media channels?
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Contact Information
How can we get in touch with you?
Name *
Email *
Social Media Handles (list platforms in parentheses)
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