D17 Election LAWN SIGN request
Provincial OSSTF in consultation with D17 TBU and other local bargaining units have endorsed three local candidates for the upcoming Provincial Election

- Barrie Springwater Oro-Medonte:  Jeff Lehman (OLP)
- Barrie Innisfil:  Pekka Reinio (ONDP)
- Simcoe North:  Elizabeth Van Houtte (ONDP)
If you live in one of these ridings and would like to receive a lawn sign for one of these candidates please complete this form.

We will forward your name and address (not email address) to the respective campaigns so they can provide your residence with a lawn sign.  

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Candidate who you would like a lawn sign for (check all that apply): *
First name: *
Last name: *
Address  (include #, street name): *
Address  (City or township): *
Address  (postal code): *
Personal (non-board) email address: *
Which Bargaining Unit do you belong to? Not sure: tell us what you do under "Other" *
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