Regenerative Agriculture Job Fair @ Organic Alberta Conference 2023
Are you looking for your next great hire? Are you excited about providing jobs and training in the regenerative and organic sector? Find your next employee or apprentice here.
Join us on November 3rd from 5:00-6:00 PM in Sherwood Park. Meet with: 
  • job seekers who are passionate about soil health, biodiversity and farming in ways that are good for the planet
  • students looking for summer jobs
  • potential apprentices looking to work on farms

    The job fair is FREE to join as an employer. It is being organized as part of the Organic Alberta conference and we encourage you to check out the rest of the conference. A great place to build your network, promote your work and learn! 

    Sign up to be showcased as an employer here.

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First & Last Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Farm or Business Name *
Website and/or social media handles
Describe your farm, ranch or business. Please include the history, goals, monthly/seasonal activities and work rhythm, etc. *
Job title you are hiring for *
Job location *
Are you currently, or have you in the past, participated in any Young Agrarians Programs? Please select all that apply.
Anything else you would like us to know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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