Highland Women: Serving Form
This form is for women wanting to serve with Highland Women.

At Highland, our desire as followers of Christ is to live on mission. You can serve the church, our city, or the world! We want you to consider praying, going, and giving to spread the Gospel. This form should help you narrow down a specific place to serve within our Women's Ministry.

After your form is submitted, you will be contacted to ensure how to best connect you to serve.  It can take time to find the right fit. Thank you in advance for your patience and intentionality with this!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Are you a Covenant Member of Highland Baptist Church? *
Do you regularly attend Highland Baptist Church? *
If you are a member or attender of another local church, please list below. *
List any Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF), Connection Group (CG), Bible Study, or other group/ministry that you are a part of at Highland Baptist Church. *
Where are you interested in serving? *
Any questions or comments?
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