ONE PIECE CARD GAME Questionnaire for Booster Pack -Paramount War- [OP02]
※This questionnaire should be answered by people who purchased ONE PIECE CARD GAME Booster Pack -Paramount War- [OP02].
 If you are a parent of the users, please answer your children's answer instead.
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Please tell us your gender. *
Please tell us your age. *
Please tell us your living area. *
Please tell us products which you have purchased before. *
What is your main purpose to purchase ONE PIECE CARD GAME products? *
How many pakcs of  Booster Pack -Paramount War- [OP02]   did you purchase? (1 BOX = 24 packs) *
Please evaluate the product. *
How did you hear about the product? *
Where did you purchase this product [OP-01] at? *
Have you booked to purchase the product? *
Have you played "ONE PIECE CARD GAME Teaching App" and memorized the rules in advance? *
How difficult is to play ONE PIECE CARD GAME? *
What made you decide to play ONE PIECE CARD GAME? *
Do you play other TCG title? *
If you answered "I don't play other TCG title now" on above question, have you ever played any TCG title in the past? *
How often do you paricipate in events / official tournament in card shops? *
Please tell us which events of ONE PIECE CARD GAME you participated in. *
Please tell us what kind of items related to ONE PIECE you usually purchase. *
Do you purchase "Weekly Shonen Jump"  or read it via Smartphone App "Shonen Jump +" every week? *
Do you purchase comics of "ONE PIECE" every volume? *
Do you watch TV anime "ONE PIECE"? *
Please feel free to give us your comments and suggestions regarding this product.
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