DUNE Computing tutorial May 2022: how was it?
This is a post-tutorial satisfaction survey that will help us improve.

If you do not have much time, please scroll down to the end and answer only the last five questions from the "General" section. We would greatly appreciate your feedback.

Thanks for your participation to the tutorial and thanks in advance for filling out this survey!

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How we announced the event, the emails, etc
How was the communication about and during the training?
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Your thoughts and suggestions regarding the communication (it's anonymous, feel free to give feedback)
On the "mission setup"
Setup instructions (ideally to do before the tutorial, but we admittedly sent this late)
How were the instructions?
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Have you experienced issues following the instructions?
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Your thoughts on the Mission setup
On Storage Spaces and Data Management
Introduction to DUNE's computing resources
How were the instructions on the training website?
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How were the talks of the speakers?
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How was the pace?
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How was the support on the live doc?
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Your thoughts on the part Storage Space and Data Management
Lecture: Introduction art/LArSoft
About art, LArSoft. And then hands-on.
How were the instructions on the training website?
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How were the talks of the speakers?
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How was the pace?
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How was the support on the live doc?
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How was the follow-up lesson (sent as asynchronous tutorial) "How to modify a LArSoft module"?
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How were the videos (YouTube links)?
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Your thoughts on this asynchronous tutorial experience
Lecture on Grid Job Submission
The joys of the grid.
How were the instructions on the training website?
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How were the talks of the speakers?
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How was the pace?
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How was the support on the live doc?
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Your thoughts on the part "Grid job submission"
The quizzes
Life is a game
How were the quizzes
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Your thoughts on the quizzes
How were the breakout rooms? (during the quizzes and the breaks)
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The sessions: "Expert in the Room"
Live assistance
How were the sessions "Expert in the Room"?
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Your thoughts on the format "Expert in the Room"
Understanding how to turn your code into an efficient program
What did you think of the code-makeover sessions?
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Your thoughts on the format "code-makeover"
~ ~ ~ G E N E R A L ~ ~ ~
General impressions of the three-day training.

How was it?
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What did you like?
What did you not like?
Your suggestions for improvement?
Open mic: express yourself (it's completely anonymous)
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