Gunpowder Falls State Park
We will be camping at Gunpowder Falls State Park the weekend of November 12-14. The GPS coordinates of the campsite are 39°26'14.9"N 76°28'17.8"W (, and the directions are:

From Harford Road (MD-147), turn onto Sharon Drive.
When you reach Camp Cone Road, turn left.
The park is located at the very end of Camp Cone Road.
There will be a designated turn around and a park sign by the main gate.​​

The cost for this campout will be $20 per Scout, which includes all meals Saturday and breakfast Sunday.
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Does this Scout (or Scouts) plan to participate in the campout? *
Are there any adults from your family who plan to come on the campout? If so, who? (Youth Protection Training, available online, is required.)
Is there any equipment the Scout needs to borrow? Don't worry, we probably have it! It's there to be borrowed! :)
At what time on Friday, November 12th, do you anticipate being able to arrange for your Scout(s) to arrive at the campsite?
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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