101 - Wh-Questions and Frequency Adverbs
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Crab Patties
How often does Spongebob work? *
1 point
Spongebob Bubbles
How often does Spongebob do soap bubbles in the episode above?
1 point
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How often does Patrick study?
1 point
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Complete: __________ is Spongebob's best friend? It's Patrick.
1 point
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Complete: __________ does Spongebob's live? He lives in a pineapple.
1 point
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Patrick's house
Complete: __________ is Patrick's house? It's a rock.
1 point
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Patties Contest
How often does Patrick eat crab patties
1 point
Complete: __________ does Patrick work? Never.
1 point
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Complete: __________ is SpongeBob patties? It's very good. Everybody loves them.
1 point
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Complete: __________ is Spongebob birthday? It's on July, 17th.
1 point
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