APHA 2022 Speak for Health Challenge
Thanks for participating in the Speak for Health Challenge! Speak for Health is how APHA members stand up for public health interests and advocate for APHA's advocacy priorities. We want to know how you took action for public health this August and September. Tell us about your actions by completing this short form. The Action Board will recognize the member group and/or individual with stellar participation. You're welcome to re-submit this form until Sept. 30 to report additional actions.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email address
Primary Member Group *
Select the Section, SPIG, Caucus or Forum you want to receive credit for your action. If you advocated on behalf of an APHA Affiliate, please chose "APHA Affiliate" and specify your Affiliate in the next question.
If you advocated on behalf of an APHA Affiliate, please let us know which Affiliate you represented.
How did you Speak for Health? *
Check all that apply; if you do additional actions later, you're welcome to submit this form again.
Which of APHA's advocacy priorities did you address in your efforts? *
You are not required to limit your actions to APHA's priorities only, but we'd love to know what you elevated. Check all that apply.
When did you take action?
If you're not sure, you can guess; this is just to gauge when members act! Please list all dates if multiple actions were taken.
Anything else you'd like to share with us?
You’re welcome to include notes on what you discussed, links to information about the action you took like an event write-up or an op-ed, or resources you used.
Thanks for Speaking for Health!
By submitting this form, you authorize APHA to use any aggregated data collected. No personally identifiable data will be stored from this form.
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