2024 VDL Contact Form
Thank you for reaching out to the Victorian Dodgeball League. Before submitting this form, please refer to the 2024 VDL FAQ Sheet for more information. This contact form is intended to help us better understand and address your questions and concerns. We value your feedback and appreciate you taking the time to share it with us. To ensure that we can provide the most helpful response, please select the relevant section below that best describes your reason for contacting us. We look forward to hearing from you!
To avoid spam and to ensure we get in touch with you, we require a valid email address.
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E-poštni naslov *
What is your Full Name? *
Which Team and division do you play in?

"Team name, Division"

Example: Anglesea Angels, VDL1
Please select the appropriate section below that best fits your feedback or enquiry *
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