PART- TIME SCHOOL Nomination Form  
Please ensure that you have completed the REGISTRATION FORM before completing this form. This can be found HEREBoth forms must be completed to ensure your production is nominated. 
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Teacher's Name *
Name of School: *
School Address:
Please don't forget to include postcode
Teacher nominating email address:  *
Contact telephone number: *
Type of School *
Date of performances (format: dd/mm/yy - dd/mm/yy)  *
Time of performances *
Below is your opportunity to nominate. If you are unsure about who to nominate or you are at the early stages of the production process -  you can write CHILD A, CHILD B, CHILD C and email your nominations at a later date but we advise submitting this form as it secures and enables us to allocate a NSTA Rep to see your production. 
Name of Production 
Award 1
Name of Student you are nominating

If you are nominating for Best Production and the performance is not student directed please write TEACHER.
Award 1: Category  *
Award 2
Name of Student you are nominating

If you are nominating for Best Production and the performance is not student directed please write TEACHER.
Award 2 Category 
Please select one category per award. 
You can nominate up to 4 awards. 
Award 3
Name of Student you are nominating

If you are nominating for Best Production and the performance is not student directed please write TEACHER.
Award 3
Award 4
Name of Student you are nominating

If you are nominating for Best Production and the performance is not student directed please write TEACHER.
Award Category 
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
Thank you for nominating your school for a National School Theatre Award. We look forward to watching your production. 

We kindly request that you put two complimentary tickets aside for our Talent Reps. They will confirm their attendance in advance of show day. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Yours theatrically, 

National School Theatre Awards Team 
Admin Fee 
We are committed to sending a Talent Rep anywhere in the UK to see your production. 
The nomination fee covers general administrative and awards costs. Some schools encourage their cast to fundraise as a motivational tool to focus their students on the rehearsals and as a fun reminder that a National School Theatre Awards representative will attend their show. There is often a buzz when they know the National School Theatre Awards are visiting and we keep our visits positive! We have tried to keep this cost down so as many schools can enter and varied the fee to accommodate all schools.
Admin Fee
Please choose one from below  
Please provide the email address for us to send the invoice to:
By submitting this form you agree to the NSTA Terms and Conditions
which can be found here.
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