EDM 2023 - Travel scholarship application form
The International Educational Data Mining Society will be providing travel scholarship to selected attendees for this year's Educational Data Mining conference which will take place in Bangaluru, India from July 11-14.

While everyone is allowed to apply, a priority will be given to junior researchers (e.g. Graduate students, recent postdocs, etc.) who have never attended the Educational Data Mining Conference before.

Recipients of the scholarship may be invited to participate in the conference in a format where they can discuss their work with conference attendees. For example, through participation in the doctoral consortium or a similar format.

Recipients of the scholarship will be asked to provide evidence of non/insufficient support (e.g., in the form of a letter of support from their supervisor)
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
Your name: *
Your institution: *
What is your current position (e.g. PhD student, Post-doc, etc.)? *
Would this be your first time attending the Educational Data Mining conference? *
Did you or do you intend to submit a manuscript to the conference's call for papers? *
Tell us about how attending the Educational Data Mining conference would contribute to your training and benefit your work: *
Tell us about how you believe that your attendance to the Educational Data Mining conference may benefit the Educational Data Mining Society. For example, by improving equity/diversity/inclusion of EDM research participants, by building bridges between EDM and other research communities, etc. *
Do you have any other sources of funding available to travel to the conference? *
If yes, how much additional funding would you require to attend the conference?
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