Maharaja College Ujjain
The information sought in this form is for the  purpose of assistance in placement, not as guarantee of assured job.  The  college also does not take responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content provided by you. 
Life is all about CHANCES and OPPORTUNITIES. Never leave anything to CHANCE and never let an  OPPORTUNITY getaway

Your Name with Father / Husband  *
Email id *
Mobile No.
Where do you live (Place )? *
Academic Qualification *
Stream of Graduation *
Subject of Post Graduation *
Professional Qualification *
Percentage Of Graduation  

Percentage Of  Post Graduation
Medium of Study
Experience of Teaching in Years *
Preferred Medium of Teaching *
Pass out Year from Maharaja College  *
Expected salary *
शहर, जिला ,राज्य ( कोई तीन )  के नाम लिखे जहाँ चुने जाने पर आप सेवाएँ देने के लिए तत्पर रहेंगे।(Name of  city, district, state (any three)  where you will be ready to provide services if selected.) 
If you want to give any other specification 
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