Your 100% Renewable Energy Plan
Make your plan to cost effectively transition to 100% Renewable Energy. Here you can let us know which steps you have plans for, which steps are in progress, and which are complete.  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
City/Town of Residence *
Step 1: Renewable Electricity *
Step 2: Home or Community Solar *
Step 3: Insulation and Air Sealing *
Step 4A: Efficient Lighting *
Step 4B: Efficient Appliances *
Step 5: Transportation *
Step 5A: EV Charging *
Step 6: Heating and Cooling *
Step 7: Hot Water *
Step 8A: Cooking *
Step 8B: Laundry *
Step 9: Yard and power equipment *
Step 10: Learning, Sharing, and Beyond
“I pledge to shift my energy use to 100% Renewable Energy, as quickly as I am able. I will save money immediately with community solar or install solar on my building. I will learn about electric and renewable alternatives so that I am prepared to replace a fossil fueled vehicle, appliance, or tool.  I will keep at it and share lessons learned in the community.” *
Your private information will stay private.
Marbletown ECC and Sustainable Hudson Valley will not use any of your private information without permission.
Can we publicize your pledge? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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