Closter SEPAG Parent/Guardian Feedback Form
Dear Parents and Guardians:  We would appreciate your feedback and input to help us identify global needs in our school community.  You can choose to identify yourself or share anonymously.
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First and Last Name (if you would like to share it)
Email address (if you would like to share it or would like a response)
First and Last Name of Student (if you would like to share it)
Student Age and Grade (if you would like to share it)
What school does your child attend?  *
Your child has a(n): *
How can SEPAG help you and your family?  *
What topics are you interested in learning more about or discussing?   *
Do you feel you are well versed in the special education evaluation/IEP/504 process?  *
Do you feel like you are an equal member of the child study team working with your child?  *
Do you feel empowered to advocate for your child's best interests when communicating with special education services? *
Please describe your experience with special education and related services *
What areas of strengths can you identify about our child study team/schools/district? *
What areas can  our child study team/schools/district  work on?  (Areas for improvement)
What programs, services or activities would you like to see the district change, add or expand?  *
We are working to develop a local resources list for our area that will be available to those in our district.  What are you favorite service providers, activities, resources, doctors, dentists etc. who you feel have helped your child or who may work well with children with different needs?  
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