Apply to Join The Fossil Free Eugene and Lane County Coalition
The Fossil Free Eugene and Lane County Coalition is a network of organizations and activists working to fight for a just transition off of fossil fuels across Lane County.

Coalition members are movement organizers and allies and work closely with grassroots groups, stakeholders and impacted communities in the climate justice and fossil fuel resistance movement across the southern Willamette valley. To connect with this growing network, tell us a bit about yourself and the FFELC Steering Committee will get back to you soon.

Folks who fill out this form will be considered for membership approval weekly. Approved new members will be added to our internal listserv and will receive a welcome email within 10 days of submitting this application.

*Please read and go over the FFELC Membership Handbook before completing this form!*
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Email? *
Name and pronouns *
Have you read and do you agree to the information in the Membership Handbook? (linked above) *
Where are you currently located? Or where is the focus of your work located? *
Do you participate in this work as an employee or volunteer? *
Are you joining the Coalition as an individual or on behalf of an organization? *
If you are joining on behalf of an organization, which one?
How do you see your work aligning with the Coalition principles and campaigns? *
Are you employed by or affiliated with a group that could be considered at odds with Coalition principles (ie the fossil fuel industry or other extractive industry)? *
If you answered yes or maybe to the question above, please explain how the work of the Coalition does not produce a conflict of interest for you.
Do you agree to not share internal Coalition strategy, plans, meeting notes or resources with groups or individuals working at odds with Coalition principles? *
Do you have any accessibility needs? If so, please tell us how we can best support your participation in the Alliance.
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