<Book Title> Beta Feedback
Thank you for reading or considering <Book Title>!! Whether or not you finished reading, I would very much appreciate your feedback, so that I can make this the best book that I can. All responses are valid responses.

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What date did you start the book?
What date did you finish the book?
Is that reading time typical for you?
If you did not finish the book, why?
If you did not finish the book, what's the last chapter you read?
Did any part of the book stand out to you (good or bad) and why?
Did you re-read any parts of the book? If so, which parts and why?
Did the book leave you with any unanswered questions? If so, why?
If you could spend time with any of the characters, who would it be and what would you do?
Would you read a sequel featuring this cast of characters? Why or why not?
Which characters would you most like to see featured in a sequel, and who would you pair them with?
Would you buy this book or a sequel at market price (e.g. $9.99)? Why or why not?
Does this book remind you of anything else you've read? If so, what books or authors does it remind you of?
Is there anything else you think I should know?
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