Mainboard Reuse Developer Program
To accelerate the ecosystem of projects using Framework Laptop Mainboards, we’re giving away 100 i5-1135G7 Mainboards for free to creators and developers!  We’ve seeded a few community members with Mainboards already, and we want to open this up to you too.

If you’re in a country we currently have Framework Laptops available in (US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Netherlands, Austria, Ireland), and you have an idea for a project that can use a Mainboard, you can apply for one through this form.

We’ll let you know if you were selected by the end of April 2022.  We can’t wait to see the incredible cyberdecks, arcade machines, network appliances, and other wonderful things you all create with them.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
You'll need a Framework account with a default shipping address saved (  Please provide the email address used on your Framework account: *
What country are you located in? *
Describe the project you'd like to develop using a Framework Laptop Mainboard. *
Share links to other projects you have completed which show that you'll be able to complete the project you are proposing. *
The Mainboard provided as part of the Mainboard Reuse Developer Program is provided "AS IS", and is not supported by the Framework Computer Inc Limited Warranty. *
As part of the Developer Program, you agree to share progress on your project in the Community ( and post project files in a format and under a license that allows other community members to use them. *
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