White Lake Community Library Bookmarked
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Name (First and Last) *
White Lake Library Card Number *
Phone number *
Email, if available
How would you prefer that we contact you? *
I want a recommendation for: *
Are you looking for: *
Please select format *
What books have you read recently that you really liked? *
Describe a book you like.
Please list any favorite authors you have.
Do you prefer books in a series or stand-alone?
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What books have you read recently that didn't appeal to you?
Are there any topics/areas to avoid?
Do you need a happy ending?
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Would you prefer to stay with what you've read in the past or try something new?
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We can request books from many other libraries in Michigan. However, they are usually not immediately available. Are you willing to wait?
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Is there anything else we should know about your book preferences?
May we keep your info on file for future recommendations? *
Thank you for filling out this form. We will respond within 7-10 business days with recommendations for you. Do you have any other comments or concerns?
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