Business Environment
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In which production India has attained self-sufficiency?

2 points

Closed economy' is one in which

2 points

The largest share in India's national income is from

2 points

Which of the following countries per capita income is the highest?

2 points
Which of the following is not a fundamental right enshrined in the Indian Constitution?
2 points
Among the supply side measures to control inflation is
2 points
 Which of the following items is not included in a country’s balance of payments?
2 points

Which of the following is the most integrated form of regional economic arrangement?

2 points

A situation where a country exports a product at a price below its cost of production.

2 points

Coca Cola is a good example of a ___________________ MNC (Multinational Corporation).

2 points

Which of the following is NOT likely to be a benefit that host countries will obtain from MNCs?

2 points
Which of the following can be a disadvantage to the host country of MNC investment:
2 points

National Income estimates in India is prepared by

2 points

Mixed economy means

2 points
 Black money in India
2 points

Income tax is an item of

2 points

Inflation, in theory occurs

2 points

The objective of case-study is

2 points
 Which of the following regulates the working of stock markets in India?
2 points

 Find the odd one out

2 points

The main watchdog of international trade is

2 points
Who is the Chairman of NDC?
2 points
India is not a member of
2 points

Stagflation means

2 points
'Level playing field' argument of industries requires
2 points

Which two of the following are the most likely effects of the imposition of a tariff on an imported good?

2 points
Which two of the following arguments are most likely to be used to justify protectionism?
2 points
A protectionist measure whereby members of a regional trading bloc agree to impose an identical rate of protection on all goods imported from non-member countries.
2 points
A situation where any advantage given by one member of the WTO to another member must be extended to all WTO members.
2 points

MNCs are in a good position to vary their strategies in different phases of the product life cycle. For instance in the ______________ phase(s) they will usually ___________

2 points
When MNCs reduce their tax bill in different host countries this is usually done by a technique called:
2 points

Banking sector will fall under which of the following sectors?

2 points
The Plan Holiday refers to the period
2 points

The New Economic Policy launched in 1991 consist of

2 points

An MNC (multinational company or corporation) can be defined as a firm which:

2 points

Which two of the following are regarded as the main aims of the World Trade Organisation (WTO)?

2 points
In a flexible exchange-rate system, an increase in the domestic interest rate would tend to
2 points

India has

2 points
The President of India is elected by
2 points

VAT is imposed

2 points
Business comprises all ______________ seeking activities and enterprises that provides goods and services necessary to an economic system.
2 points
______________ are the directives to the various government and non government agencies and are fundamental in the governance of the country.
2 points

The main objective of society and business is ______________.

2 points
Developments banks are otherwise called as______________.
2 points
Self fulfillment and immediate gratification _______________ cultural values.
2 points

_______________ change is a potent form for the reconfiguration of industrial boundaries.

2 points
____________________________ state can have an elected or hereditary head.
2 points
Business environments is encompassed as the climate or set of condition, Economics, social (or) institutional in which business _______________ are conducted.
2 points

Today's business is not characterized by ____________________________.

2 points

Competition is beneficial to the competing firms besides benefiting the ______________.

2 points
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