Senior Graduation Input - Glendale High School
We are very excited that the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has authorized school districts to plan for outdoor in-person graduation ceremonies!  This authorization does come with some constraints regarding how many people can be in the outdoor space at one time.  Currently in the Orange Tier we are limited to 33% of the total capacity of any outdoor venue and further limited to Family groupings sitting 6 feet apart. We are asking for your input so that we can choose what outdoor venue to plan for your graduation ceremony.  We are still planning on holding graduation on June 10, but the choice of venue might dictate the time of day we can hold the event.  Please note: no matter what venue is selected all graduates and guests must wear a face mask at all times and adhere to physical distancing from anyone outside of your immediate family unit.  
E-posta *
Please indicate if you are a senior or the parent/guardian of a senior
Seçimi temizle
Graduate's name:
Graduate's Student ID Number:
Please rank the following choices in order of your preference.  #1 being your top choice, #2 being your next choice, and #3 being your bottom choice. Please only pick one choice as #1, one as #2 and one as #3. *
First Choice
Second Choice
Third Choice
Graduate at GHS with a limit of 2 Family Members as Guests
2 Staggered Ceremonies at GHS with a limit of 4 Family Members as guests
Graduate at the Rose Bowl with a limit of 10 Family Members as guests
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!  Is there anything else you want us to consider when planning for the graduation ceremony?
Yanıtlarınızın birer kopyası, belirttiğiniz e-posta adresine gönderilecek.
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