Empower HER Ventures: Quiz: Align Your Business with the SDGs
"Empowering Women Entrepreneurs to Transform Ideas into Sustainable Impact"
Dr. Ghazala Khan is a visionary leader and a renowned expert in gender equity, sustainable leadership, and entrepreneurial capacity-building. With over 20 years of experience in academia, consulting, and advocacy, she has dedicated her career to advancing women's empowerment and driving transformative social change. 
As the driving force behind Empower HER Ventures, Dr. Khan combines her deep understanding of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with her passion for creating equitable opportunities. Her innovative programs equip women entrepreneurs with the skills, mentorship, and resources needed to build sustainable, impact-driven businesses that address critical challenges such as poverty, gender inequality, and environmental sustainability. 
Dr. Khan's groundbreaking work has empowered hundreds of women in Pakistan and globally to become leaders in the green economy, unlocking their potential to create profitable enterprises that contribute to a more just and sustainable world. A sought-after speaker, adviser, and thought leader, she continues to inspire action and collaboration across sectors to champion diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Reflect on your answers to identify which SDGs are most relevant to your business. Use your insights from this quiz to develop a strategic plan for alignment with these goals. 
Seek mentorship, partnerships, or training programs to fill any gaps identified in your responses.
Together, we can empower women entrepreneurs to build businesses that drive meaningful change and contribute to solving all 17 critical global issues. 
Let's create impact, one enterprise at a time!

Welcome to the EmpowerHER Ventures Quiz! This quiz will guide women entrepreneurs in aligning their business models with one or more Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By exploring how your enterprise can contribute to solving all 17 global challenges, you'll unlock new opportunities for growth and impact.
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Section 1: Business Overview

1. What is your business's primary product or service?
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2. Who are your primary customers?
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3. What problem does your business aim to solve?
Section 2: Identifying SDG Alignment

4. Which of the following SDGs are most relevant to your business? (Select all that apply.)
5. How does your business address any of these goals? 
6. Are you currently measuring the impact of your business on these goals?
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Section 3: Evaluating Opportunities for Growth

7. Which of the following actions could enhance your business's alignment with SDGs?
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8. What specific partnerships or collaborations could help your business advance its SDG goals?
9. Are you willing to invest in training or technology to better align with SDGs?
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Section 4: Crafting  Strategic Action Plan

10. What steps could you take in the next 6 months to integrate SDGs into your business model?
11. How do you plan to communicate your SDG alignment to customers, investors, and stakeholders?
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12. Which SDG-aligned initiatives would you like to prioritize in the next year?
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