#30DaysofWeb3 Project Submission 🎊
You learned all about web3, blockchains, and smart contracts, built a full stack web3 decentralized app, and leveraged critical web3 tools to interact with the blockchain! Give yourself a huge pat on the back for making it this far.
Your ETH wallet address / ENS name
Add your wallet address to receive kudos (free, non-transferrable token). Put N/A if not available.
Your Discord Username
Add your Discord username so that we can assign you a special alumni role (example: buildoooor#1337). You can find this your Discord settings.  Put N/A if not available.
Your smart contract repo *
Link to your public GitHub repo that is hosting your web3rsvp smart contract code.
Your subgraph repo *
Link to your public GitHub repo that is hosting your web3rsvp subgraph code.
Your frontend repo *
Link to your public GitHub repo that is hosting your web3rsvp frontend code.
Your Lens API repo *
Link to your public GitHub repo that is hosting your Lens API code.
On a scale of 1-5, 1 being not confident at all and 5 being completely confident, how confident are you with writing and deploying a smart contract? *
Not confident at all
Completely confident
On a scale of 1-5, 1 being not confident at all and 5 being completely confident, how confident are you with building a dapp that interacts with a smart contract?
Not confident at all
Completely confident
On a scale of 1-5, 1 being not at all likely and 5 being very likely, how likely are you to continue building dapps on Ethereum?
Not at all likely
Very likely
Any feedback for the #30DaysofWeb3 curriculum?
Your feedback will help us iterate on and improve this free, open-sourced curriculum. We appreciate you! 💞
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