Intro to Java Programming Wait List

This class is currently FULL. You may submit your name for the waiting list here. We will contact you if a spot opens up or if we open a new class. Thank-you!

Course Overview
In this 6-week class, students will learn the basic principles in programming including variables, loops, arrays, and more using Java. This class has no prerequisites and is perfect for students with limited programming experience who are looking to learn the basics or to see if they are interested in coding. This class is suitable for incoming 6th - 9th graders.

Dates: 6/12 - 7/17, Tuesdays & Fridays (12 total 1-hour sessions)
Hours: 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM

The tuition is $180 for the entire course. Please make all contributions via one of the following:
- Zelle or PayPal to (please use friends and family) --- If you use a credit card or are not using friends and family with paypal, please add 4% processing fees to your total.
- If you need an alternative arrangement, please email

More information about the class can be found here:
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
This class is currently FULL. You may submit your name for the waiting list here. We will contact you if a spot opens up or if we open a new class. Thank-you!
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Student Email (Will be used to send out class zoom link) Do not use school email as they are often blocking email receipt from outside email address *
Student Grade (as of Sep 2020) *
Student's School *
Parent Last Name *
Parent First Name *
Parent Email *
Parent Phone number *
My son/daughter(s), has my permission to participate in the Intro to Programming, an online workshop series offered by StemBoost. I hereby agree to hold harmless the STEMBoost Board of Directors, officers, instructors, volunteers and/or their members with respect to any and all damages or expenses which may be incurred, suffered or required to be paid by reason of this activity before, during or after each workshop. In addition, I hereby authorize STEMBoost to use, modify, reproduce, distribute photograph/videotape/webcam of my child for publicity and promotional purposes. *
Scholarship:  Is the student currently on the school lunch program? *
Additional Comments
How did you hear about our programs? *
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