Wisconsin's Creative Economy Coalition 2023
Please add your organization/business to Wisconsin's Creative Economy Coalition supporters list, and consider supporting the Coalition with a financial contribution.

In addition, we want to share your stories!  As we work to grow funding for Wisconsin's creative sector, we want to highlight organizations, businesses, and creative leaders throughout Wisconsin with compelling stories that connects their work to the creative economy. Using the form linked here, please sign up yourself or recommend a peer who is willing to volunteer to have their story shared as we progress through the next phase of our effort. Unsure of where to start? We’re happy to talk with you to learn more, brainstorm story ideas, and draft your story for you to review.

Contact Create Wisconsin (info@createwisconsin.org) with questions or to discuss. We'll keep in touch with info and action as advocacy efforts progress. Thank you!
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Organization/business *
City/town/village *
State *
Email *
In addition to adding our name to the supporters list, we pledge to support the Coalition with a financial contribution of the amount below.  Please send your check payable to Create Wisconsin, Box 1054, Madison, WI 53701-1054.  Get in touch with Create Wisconsin (info@createwisconsin.org) if you prefer to pay via credit card or want to discuss your pledge.  
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