TOUCH Gathering 2024

· Cortijo Caseria del Mercado. Granada, Spain · JULY 21st - 28th 2024 ·

We feel the Feminine part of Us wants to co-create a Nurturing and Mothering approach to one of the most simple and effective Healing Techniques, TOUCH.

: Wùo Taï : Thai Massage : Osteopathy : Water : Dance : Connection :

With: Nathalie Combes, Alexandra Ruíz, Almuth Kramer & EvaSion

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Email *
Fecha y lugar de nacimiento// Date and place of birth
Nombre y Apellidos // Name & surname *
Numero de movil/ movile phone number *
¿Qué experiencia previa en alguna terapia manual tienes? // Describe previous experience in bodywork?
¿Cuales son tus expectativas viniendo a este curso? What are your expectations coming to this course?
¿Cómo te enteraste del evento ? // How did you learn about this event?? *
¿Tienes algún padecimiento físico que debamos saber?? Do you have any physical ailment we should know about?? *
¿Desde donde vienes y como? // From where you are coming from and how? *
Que eliges como alojamiento??// What is your accommodation option??
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Upon sending this form, we will contact you to make a reservation payment of € 150 and your site will be definitely reserved!


- Regular price:

Dorm 850€ //Camping 730€

- Early bird until 5th May 2024.

Dorm 780€ // Camping 600€

- SUPER EARLY BIRD ( first 10 pax):  💥SOLD OUT💥

Dorm 650€// Camping 550€

✨ This includes in each module:

- Participation to all classes & activities.
- 3 vegetarian meals a day.
- 7 nights accommodation

Thank you and see you very soon! 🙏🏼

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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