Blossom Bar Request
Thank you for booking The Blossom Bar by Embody. We are a hemp-derived cannabinoid bar.
Book for $150 to reserve date.
Please see our open and cash bar service information:  Blossom Bar Services Information
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Correo *
Contact Info
Phone number *
Preferred contact method *
Date of the Event
What kind of event are you hosting?
Event Location *
Event Time  (start time to end time for the bar) We arrive 45-60 minutes before.
What kind of vibe will your event have?
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Is the venue public or private?
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Is this for cash bar or open bar service? *
What kinds of beverages would you like served? choose all that apply. Events include 2-3 drink options. Booking price for bar may change based on add ons.
What is supplied by the venue?
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Is there anything else you need?
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Are tip jars allowed?
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How many guests are you expecting?
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Questions and comments
Lets set up a meeting so we can create your contract!!!!!
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