Tournament Seasons - Registration
Welcome to a full season packed of fun conversations, milestones, light-hearted competition, and most importantly – mind-boggling rewards for the entire team. So, ladies and gentlemen, bringing to you the tournament of all tournaments – Tournament Seasons!
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メールアドレス *
Read rules and guidelines!
Not sure what Tournament Seasons are? Read more here:
Important Note
Only Leader and Co-leaders are allowed to register their teams for the 'Tournament Seasons'.
Elders and Members can't register the team for the Tournament Seasons.
Tournament Seasons will start from 8th April and ends on 1st May (Read the complete working of tournament seasons in the article).
If you have any questions feel free to drop it down in the comments of post or article.
Please provide us your game id *
Please provide us your Team name
Please provide us your Team id *
Are you a leader or a co-leader?
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