Application for Helpers (campers)
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Email *
Name: *
Address: *
Age *
School grade next year *
Are you a Christian? *
What church do you attend? *
How many years have you attended church camp? (Does not have to be Mo-Ark) *
What church camp(s) have you attended? *
How often do you attend church in the morning? *
How often do you attend church in the evening? *
How often do you attend youth group at your church? *
List other church activities in which you participate. *
Why do you want to be a helper during camp? *
Have you ever been a helper at camp? *
If yes, how many times have you been a helper at camp and when did you help? If no, please type n/a. *
Check off any areas you will be willing to serve at camp: *
What specific skills or interests do you have that you are willing to use at camp? *
Which camp are you interested in serving? Check all that apply. *
Do you understand that you will be a part of the staff and will be considered as such and will not be considered as a camper? *
Do you understand that as a helper you will be expected to obey all the rules, listen to the faculty, and work without complaining? *
If you desire to work in camp, are you planning to attend the camp week for your age group as a camper? If you answer is no, pleas explain why. *
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