Enterprise LMC - End of the Year Student Survey 2023-2024
We've had a great year!  Please take a moment to provide Mrs. V. and our school with some feedback.  We want to know what you think!
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Grade *
First name
Last name
When do you visit the library media center?
About how many times do you visit the library media center each month?
Batalkan pilihan
Check all the reasons that you visit the library media center.
Did you visit the Book Fair this year?
Batalkan pilihan
The Lemonade Wars!  Did you participate in this year's One Book, One Team?  If so, how?  Select all that apply.
Did you visit the library during the February Family literacy night? (Under the Sea Genre Book Tasting AFTER SCHOOL)
Batalkan pilihan
Do you have enough time to visit the library media center?
Batalkan pilihan
Do you usually find the materials you are looking for?
Batalkan pilihan
Do you use other libraries?
Batalkan pilihan
Do you have a public library card?
Batalkan pilihan
What are some things you've enjoyed in Library Class this year?
What apps/programs did you use this year? 
How can we make the library PLACE better?
How can we make library CLASS better?
Are there any types of books you would like to see added to the library? (titles, authors, genres or subjects)
What should Mrs. V. buy for the library?
Is there anything else you want Mrs. V. to know?
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Formulir ini dibuat dalam Brevard Public Schools. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan