End of quarter Survey for Academic Colleges Advising Recovery Program

~The cure for anything is salt water. Sweat, tears, and the sea.~

You are receiving this survey because your college advisor may have invited you to participate in the Academic Recovery Program. We hope you found it beneficial. The program had four components.

  1. Completing the Online Academic Standing Tutorial
  2. Meeting 1:1 with your college advisor
  3. Completing a Success Plan with your college advisor
  4. Trying out a resource recommended by your college advisor

Your feedback and experience are important to us. Take a moment to complete this brief survey (4 sections with 1 to 2 multiple choice questions each). Questions? Please email advising@ucsc.edu.

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Which College are you affiliated with?
Did you participate in any of the activities below?
  1. Meeting 1:1 with your college advisor
  2. Completing a Success Plan with your college advisor
  3. Completing the Online Academic Standing Tutorial
  4. Trying out a resource recommended by your college advisor
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