2024 Language Learner Literature Awards -  Adolescents & Adults: Intermediate
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Adolescent and Adult: Intermediate
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And Then There Were None
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This book was interesting to read
The book was easy for me to read
The pictures helped me understand the story
The pictures were interesting.
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And Then There Were None: Please write your opinion about the book. 

What are the strong points? Weak points? If you have read 2 or 3 of the books, how does this one compare to the other ones?
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Very true
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This book was interesting to read
The book was easy for me to read
The pictures helped me understand the story
The pictures were interesting.
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Brooklyn: Please write your opinion about the book.

What are the strong points? Weak points? If you have read 2 or 3 of the books, how does this one compare to the other ones?
The Works of Vincent van Gogh
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Very true
Not so true
Not at all
This book was interesting to read
The book was easy for me to read
The pictures helped me understand the story
The pictures were interesting.
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The Works of Vincent van Gogh: Please write your opinion about the book. 

What are the strong points? Weak points? If you have read 2 or 3 of the books, how does this one compare to the other ones?
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