NSW Selective School Test Study  (FREE!)
Thank you for joining the Lockpick Games 2022 NSW Selective School Test Study Group! For more details, head here: https://lockpick.games/2022/02/22/2022-nsw-selective-school-test-study-cohort/

Please fill in the details of you and your student / child below:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your email? *
What is your mobile number?
What is your name (parent / guardian)?
What is the name of your student / child?
What year level are they at school?
Is your student taking the 2022 NSW Selective High School Placement Test on 10th of March, 2022? *
Do you and your student commit to 1) practising for the test via Marble Mansion for a minimum 30 mins per week? AND 2) attending at least 1 small group tutoring session per week?
You can see what date and time Tutoring Sessions are held here: https://lockpick.games/2022/02/22/2022-nsw-selective-school-test-study-cohort/ Small Group Tutoring Classes will be held over Zoom. We expect students to prepare by studying via the Marble Mansion game at least 30mins per week.
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