Sacred Vitality Club Scholarship Application for BIPOC, Non Binary & Individuals Facing Hardship
The Sacred Vitality Club is committed to creating an inclusive, supportive, and diverse community. We recognise the systemic barriers that BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour), non binary individuals and those facing hardships may encounter on their paths to wellness. Our scholarship program is designed to provide equal access to our resources, empowering all individuals to embark on their journey towards holistic health and vitality with Ayurveda.

Eligibility: This scholarship is open to BIPOC, non-binary individuals and anyone currently experiencing financial hardship that prevents them from accessing our programs.
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Personal Information:

Email Address:
Location (City, Country):

Brief Introduction:

Please provide a short introduction about yourself and your interest in Sacred Vitality Club?

Eligibility Criteria:

Please share your experiences or circumstances that qualify you for this scholarship. This could include your background as a BIPOC individual or a description of the financial hardships you are facing.

Goals and Aspirations:

Describe how you believe the Sacred Vitality Club will impact your journey towards health and wellness. What do you hope to achieve or learn through our program?
I will know when I´m healing because:
What might hold you back from succeeding?
Is there anything else you would like to share?

Submission Guidelines:

Complete the form with your responses and submit it by 20 March 2024. Scholarship recipients will be selected based on their demonstrated need, potential impact, and commitment to utilising and sharing the principles of Ayurveda. Selected applicants will be notified via email by 23 March 2024.

We look forward to receiving your application and supporting your journey towards greater health and vitality. The Sacred Vitality Club is here to ensure that the healing wisdom of Ayurveda is accessible to all, fostering a community of wellness that embraces diversity and inclusivity at its core. The fees for SVC Spring are
4 month payment plan = 172 per month
3 month payment plan = 225 per month
One off payment = 666 one off fee
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