Home Test #9
This test should, ideally, be completed on Thursday 15th April.

Students should test at home, twice per week, 3 to 4 days apart.
It is recommended that students test in the morning before attending their education setting.
Mailadresse *
SURNAME of your child/student *
FORENAME of your child/student *
Tutor Group *
Date test taken *
Test result
Ryd markering
If you receive a positive LFD result you should book a confirmatory PCR test. We would advise visiting a community or drive through test site as this is the quickest way to get tested, or you can order a home test kit. It is important that you self-isolate until the result of your PCR test.
As well as completing this form, you are also required to report the test result, whether positive, negative or void to NHS Track and Trace.
En kopi af dine svar sendes som mail til den mailadresse, du har angivet.
Ryd formular
Indsend aldrig adgangskoder via Google Analyse.
Denne formular blev oprettet inden for SWECET. Rapportér misbrug