After School Band Registration
This club meets in-person, every Wednesday afternoon from 2:40 pm-4:00 pm. Scholars are required to arrive to club on time and engage in responsible, respectful participation. This class is limited to 40 scholars. If you do not attend 3 consecutive sessions, you will be removed, and another scholar on the waitlist will take your place.

In collaboration with Manhattan School of Music, scholars will have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument through small group instruction, the most ideal way to learn an instrument. Scholars have a choice between flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, classical guitar, violin and drums. The school will provide instruments unless a scholar prefers to bring their own. Scholars are encouraged to bring instruments home regularly to practice but need a signed rental contract from parent/guardian to do so. This club runs all year round with scholar performances at Winter Fest and Scholars and Leaders Night at the end of the year. All scholars are welcome!!! No previous instrument experience required. Just your enthusiasm to learn!!! Limited spots in each group are available so please have a second instrument preference just in case. See you soon— Mr. Margolis
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Email *
First and Last name of person completing this form? *
Relationship to scholar? *
Scholar's First Name *
Scholar's Last Name *
What is the scholar's current grade? *
Who is the scholar's advisor? *
Name of parent/guardian who is giving permission to join this club? *
What instrument would your scholar like to play?  *
What would be your second choice of instrument?  *
Are you committing to attending After School Band in-person, every Wednesday from 2:40 pm until 4:00 pm? *
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